NaNoWriMo Day 4 Burning Questions I Think About When I Should be Writing

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


1) Why do the things on the top of my cabinets get greasy?  Does grease float? Is grease lighter than air?  

2)  What toxic magic ingredients make instant pudding thicken so quickly when it takes me a good 7 minutes of stirring boiling hot lava to get the creme patissiere (read: homemade vanilla pudding) for the inside of my cream puffs to thicken?

3)  Why does my heart melt when my grandchildren or my dog tilt their heads when I ask them a question? 

4) When will we trample the patriarchy? (I'm talking to you, Mitch McConnell)

5) Despite my veterinarian's assurances, does it piss my cats off that they are declawed?  

6) Why do I continue to stick my hand in this bag of candy corn when I don't even like candy corn?

7) What does that Prince symbol mean?

8) Why does vanilla smell so good but taste so nasty?  

9) Why am I still in my nightgown at 4:57 PM on the day after the 2020 election?

Oh.  I know the answer to that one.  It's the same answer I have for why I haven't taken a shower today, why I keep sticking my hand in this bag of candy corn, why I binge watched Flesh and Blood on PBS, and why I made instant pistachio pudding and ate half the servings this afternoon and plan to eat the other half after supper.

I am sad.  Hopeful for the future of our democracy and planet, but still sad that there are apparently a lot of people who don't think either of those things is important.  

Back to my novel.  I am almost at 3000 words.

I should be at 8000 by tomorrow.  

Stop laughing and go eat some pudding. 


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