NaNoWriMo Day 1

Sunday, November 1, 2020

 Today I wrote 2000 words of a new novel.

Something completely different.

I don't really know where the idea came from, or where it will go, but it's on its way. 

Yesterday, I probably wrote 2000 words in response to my Indiana State District 69 Representative's writing prompt (read: Facebook post), "Tuesday.... MAGA or magazines?"

I know exactly where that idea came from, and where it lead me -- right down the rabbit hole of arguing with people who:

1)  probably didn't pay attention in either English or History classes in high school; 

2)  throw originalist Constitutional ideas around but who probably haven't read or understand the Constitution (I've read it, but don't understand a lot/most of it); 

3)  didn't read my posts for the thoughtful, insightful, kind and fact-based tidbits of information they truly are; 

4)  really, really like guns and are very offended when you refer to a semi-automatic weapon as an automatic weapon (sheesh, sorry!);

5)  don't understand the concepts of sarcasm and hyperbole;

6)  are super good at calling people uneducated, brain-dead, half-brain, brainless, idiot, stupid idiot, moron, lunatic, flaming liberal, snowflake (I didn't mind that one - snowflakes are soft, lovely, quiet and avalanche-building), and my very least favorite of all time, libtard, which I don't even like to type out.  

When I pointed this out to Pepper, one of my sparring partners in the thread (how the term is offensive to those with intellectual disabilities and the people who love them), Pepper's rebuttal was that I was a stupid liberal libtard. 

Let me add "redundancy" to point #5.

I would like it noted that I didn't call any one a name.  

Not once.  

Because I think bullying is the very worst form of debate.  

But because this is my blog and no one reads it anyway, I'll quote my dear and sassy sister and just say it. 


Fuck the kooks. 


1 comment:

  1. I love this, so much. <3 Thank you dear friend for writing what I know a lot of us are feeling.


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